To the farm
Horses, donkeys, cows that moo.
Chickens, kittens, piglets, too.
Fish that swim down in the pond.
Ducklings quacking all day long.
All these animals you can see
If you go to the farm with me.
Little Chick
Snuggled down inside
An egg that was white,
Was a tiny chick
With its head tucked tight.
Then it lifted its head,
Tapped the egg with its beak,
And quickly popped out-
Peep, peep, peep!
My puppy
My puppy has a doghouse,
just outside my door.
He licks me when I pet him,
and wags his tail for more.
He’s always there beside me,
no matter what I do.
My puppy is my special friend,
and a family member, too.
The dog song
I see a dog.
The dog sees me.
I like the dogs.
The dogs like me.
Big white dogs.
One, two, three.
I like the dogs
and the dogs like me.
Cats love to sleep
Cats love to sleep in the sunshine
Cats love to sleep in the shade
But my cat sleeps in the middle of my bed
on the blankets
when the bed’s not made.
Five little pussy cats
Five little pussy cats,
See them play,
This one brown,
And this one is gray.
This one has a white nose,
This one has sharp claws,
This one has long whiskers,
And tiny, soft paws.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 pussy cats,
Hurry away to scare the mice and rats.
Kitty, kitty
I have a little kitty,
(extend first and fourth fingers like ears)
He is as quick as he can be.
(Make a side way motion with one hand quickly)
He jumps upon my lap,
(Cup one hand in palm of other)
And purrs a song to me. (Make purring sound)
To the Farm
Horses, donkeys, cows that moo,
Chickens, kittens, piglets too,
Fish that swim down in the pond,
Ducklings quacking all day long.
All these animals you can see
If you go to the farm with me.
All Around the Barnyard
All around the barnyard
The animals are fast asleep.
Sleeping cows and horses,
Sleeping pigs and sheep.
Here comes the cocky rooster
To sound his daily alarm.
Wake up sleepy farm!”
Here is the Barn
Here is the barn
(form a roof shape with your hands)
Where I like to go
(Walk in place)
It’s as tall as a tree
(Point up overhead)
And cozy, you know
(Hug body with arms)
Here is the barn,
(Make a roof shape with your hands)
I’ll go there with you
(Walk in place)
To pet a sweet lamb
(Pretend to pet a lamb)
And cuddle it, too!
(Pretend to hug a lamb)
Five Friendly Farmers
Five friendly farmers
Wake up with the sun,
For it is early morning
And the chores must be done.
The first friendly farmer
Goes to milk the cow.
The second friendly farmer
Thought he’d better plow.
The third friendly farmer
Feeds the hungry hens.
The fourth friendly farmer
Puts the piggies in their pens.
The fifth friendly farmer
Picks the ripe corn.
And waves to the neighbor
When he blows his horn.
When the work is finished
And the evening sky is red
Five tired farmers
Tumble into bed!
The Farmer
Sun is coming up
Farmer’s out the door,
He will go to milk the cows,
And start his daily chores.
Sun is going down
Horse is in the stable,
All the fields are planted now,
Supper’s on the table.
Known for its feather and wings and legs,
The chicken lays eggs and eggs and eggs!
Known for the comb atop its crown,
The chicken lays eggs of white and brown.
Known for its strut when taking a walk,
The chicken lays eggs! Ba-a-awk! Ba-a-awk!
To the Farm
Horses, donkeys, cows that moo,
Chickens, kittens, piglets too,
Fish that swim down in the pond,
Ducklings quacking all day long.
All these animals you can see
If you go to the farm with me.
All Around the Barnyard
All around the barnyard
The animals are fast asleep.
Sleeping cows and horses,
Sleeping pigs and sheep.
Here comes the cocky rooster
To sound his daily alarm.
Wake up sleepy farm!”
Little hen
feathered and red
pecking round for scraps of bread.
Little goat
fierce and white
thinks his rope is much too tight.
Little calf
soft and shy
peeking out with one brown eye.
Little cat
black and lean
crouching so he won’t be seen.
Little pig
muddy and stout
trying hard to wriggle out.
Here is the Barn
Here is the barn
(form a roof shape with your hands)
Where I like to go
(Walk in place)
It’s as tall as a tree
(Point up overhead)
And cozy, you know
(Hug body with arms)
Here is the barn,
(Make a roof shape with your hands)
I’ll go there with you
(Walk in place)
To pet a sweet lamb
(Pretend to pet a lamb)
And cuddle it, too!
(Pretend to hug a lamb)
Five Friendly Farmers
Five friendly farmers
Wake up with the sun,
For it is early morning
And the chores must be done.
The first friendly farmer
Goes to milk the cow.
The second friendly farmer
Thought he’d better plow.
The third friendly farmer
Feeds the hungry hens.
The fourth friendly farmer
Puts the piggies in their pens.
The fifth friendly farmer
Picks the ripe corn.
And waves to the neighbor
When he blows his horn.
When the work is finished
And the evening sky is red
Five tired farmers
Tumble into bed!
The Farmer
Sun is coming up
Farmer’s out the door,
He will go to milk the cows,
And start his daily chores.
Sun is going down
Horse is in the stable,
All the fields are planted now,
Supper’s on the table.
Known for its feather and wings and legs,
The chicken lays eggs and eggs and eggs!
Known for the comb atop its crown,
The chicken lays eggs of white and brown.
Known for its strut when taking a walk,
The chicken lays eggs! Ba-a-awk! Ba-a-awk!
The Chickens
Said the first little chicken,
With a strange little squirm,
“I wish I could find
A fat little worm.”
Said the next little chicken,
With an odd little shrug:
“I wish I could find
A fat little bug.”
Said a third little chicken,
With a small sigh of grief,
“I wish I could find
A green little leaf!”
Said the fourth little chicken,
With a faint little moan,
“I wish I could find
A wee gravel stone.”
“Now, see here!” said the mother,
From the green garden patch,
“If you want any breakfast,
Just come here and scratch!”
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